Design of Portable Self-Heating Lunch Box
Description: Linking up Arduino code with temperature sensors to measure the temperature change inside the lunch box in order to find out which filling materials are the most suitable for design.
School: Christian and Missionary Alliance Sun Kei Secondary School (S4)
Turbidity Test of Drinks
Description: Using the SEN1089 for Arduino to measure different drinks’ turbidity. Through analyzing reading from SEN1089 and comparing the data get from PASCO, the relative readings can get to know turbidity and bring a brief introduction of turbidity to senior secondary.
School: Christian and Missionary Alliance Sun Kei Secondary School (S4)
Reflective Colour Sensing with RGB Colour Sensor
Description: RGB Colour Sensor is a detector capturing light from an object. This project uses a TCS230 colour sensor to sense colour through a reflected light source. According to the measured wavelength of light, we can match it with the absorbed amount of colours in different wavelengths in order to recognize colour with Arduino code.
School: Christian and Missionary Alliance Sun Kei Secondary School (S4)
Material Science with Spectrophotometer
Description: A spectrophotometer is a device that accurately measures electromagnetic energy at specific wavelengths of light. It is used in measuring environment light sources. It uses the characteristics of light and energy to identify colours and determine how much of each colour is present in a ray of light.
School: Christian and Missionary Alliance Sun Kei Secondary School (S4)